Chroma S
Automated online analysis & monitoring of Sulfur Compounds: H2S / COS / CS2 / SO2 / RSH. Chroma S is a fully automatic isothermal gas Chromatograph for the analysis & monitoring of sulfur compounds.
- Continuous, uninterrupted sampling.
- Sample is injected into column for separation.
- Controlled oven selects optimum temperature based on application detection achieved by a sulfur-specific photometric dual flame detector.
- The dual flame ensures no quenching occurs
- Automatic linearization of compounds
- Identification of compounds is based on their retention time (Elution from the column)
- Automatic data validation is standard with the internal permeation tube
Chromatotec developed software system allows:- Remote monitoring
- Full traceability through archiving of results and QC
- Setup and control of threshold alarms
- Export of data MODBUS / MGS1 / 4-20mA /0-10V